Libra daily horoscope astrology answers
Libra daily horoscope astrology answers

libra daily horoscope astrology answers

With abundant Venus in your sign, the cosmos is inviting you to open your eyes and mind to new possibilities.


But that's like walking into a Michelin starred restaurant and asking for beans on toast! The menu on offer to you is full of exciting options. We make specific requests based on what we think is possible. When we ask our celestial helpers for something, we tend to ask for whatever we think will suit us best.


Make 2023 your best year yet with a Free Trial of the 5 Star Service. Could that be what's happened to you recently? Does that explain why you're so confused about something you thought was crystal clear? With Saturn poised to turn retrograde, this is a perfect moment to fix a communication issue so that everyone's in the picture. If they assume the same thing, misunderstandings are inevitable. All you need do is assume that the person you're talking to thinks the same way as you. It's easy to engage in conversations that seem to go well, but where everyone's actually talking at cross-purposes. a Free 'Personal Profile Birth Chart' with every order. And until the Solstice on the 21st June, you can get 25% OFF all Personal Horoscope Charts, plus. These magical times are viewed by astrologers as powerful signifiers of a time when we can bring real, positive change into our lives. The Earth and the Sun are about engage in the magnificent celestial balancing act that results in the Summer and Winter solstices. In which case, you can have as much drama as you want. You're going to be fine (unless you secretly don't want to be fine!). Right now though, struggling is unnecessary. This doesn't have to involve anyone else: you're perfectly capable of creating an inner dialogue that motivates you and puts you under pressure. Sometimes a conflict of some kind can have the same effect. A boost of adrenaline (or caffeine) keeps you going.

libra daily horoscope astrology answers libra daily horoscope astrology answers

As you learn more about yourself, you'll know what to do next. You can use this insight to get a better, clearer picture of where you are right now, and how your vision of the future can be more easily realised. Other people will act as mirrors, enabling you to see yourself from different perspectives. Whether they're personal and intimate, or social and professional, the way you choose to share your energy will have a significant effect on your sense of achievement and wellbeing. Your one-to-one interactions are in the spotlight. If you're hoping to hear a powerful affirmative from somewhere in your world today, keep an eye out for subtle signals! Now listen. In other places people would rather speak plainly than risk confusion.

libra daily horoscope astrology answers

So people indicate it with discreet gestures and their tone of voice. In some places, for example, saying 'no' is considered to be the height of rudeness. What would be considered standard practice in one area of the world might be impolite, or discourteous in another. How you answer a question depends, in no small part, on where you're from. a Free 'Personal Profile Birth Chart' with every order.įollow Cainer Horoscopes on Instagram and Facebook And during the 'Countdown to the Solstice' on the 21st June, you can get 25% OFF all Personal Horoscope Charts, plus. These magical 'turning points of the year' are viewed by astrologers as powerful metaphors for the dual nature of our lives and signifiers of a time when we can bring real, positive change into our lives. These solstices weren't only marked by ancient civilizations for their intriguing regularity but also for their astrological significance. With careful planning we can make informed decisions that honour all these qualities.Įvery year, like clockwork, the Earth and the Sun engage in the magnificent celestial balancing act that results in the Summer and Winter solstices. Discipline and perseverance are important. As Saturn slows to change direction and align with Jupiter, it's a time to question perspectives we've come to accept. But our blinkers risk preventing us from engaging with other meaningful experiences. Is single-mindedness a good thing? A strong sense of focus is a blessing when distractions threaten to derail progress.

Libra daily horoscope astrology answers